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A member registered Feb 23, 2021

Recent community posts

me when tiky sus

hi are you also a person who is like @sneeky senpai who draws ocs

i also found the third song 

epic leak 100/10

i'm probably the only person who isn't an adult that has piggy true ending

rtx on

you're adopted

when it gets to the beat drop it's good to be all the way green so u hang on by at least a little

it's meant to be there it's a secret feature called debug menu

jaylen kinda sus

yea roses is hard and thorns on the bit where it's the same bit like idk 7 times is harder

are you talking about the beat drop in the third week 4 song because everyone can say it's hard

the og toxic community is the roblox mm2 and piggy community they get angry if they lose a round in mm2 or if somebody needs to be a teamer bc teamers are scumbags and piggy players are just screaming at other ppl like "NO THE NEXT MAP IS GONNE BE A BOAT" or "NO IT'S GONNA BE A *INSERT THING THAT MAKES NO SENSE TO BE THE NEXT CHAPTER MAP*"

it's called a glowstick

i have the big appearance

tankman was confirmed by ninjamuffin

is that temprist

tankman is confirmed so stop fighting we all know it's tankman bc the devs made it official

fnf on chromebook is for psychopaths

probably your data or lag

his name isn't keith dumb eggle

you have been bopped

we've been rickrolled

no if ur doing it through debug menu hit reset json

who laughed at the cursed fnf image in my post above the pelo caption

i tried to do monster vs spooky kids but the idle broke

nvm  i fixed it by pressing restore json

it also just showed the bopbeebo arrows when it glitched

what is this video caption

it is a spooky month -week 2 in a nutshell imma addin a cursed fnf image now

that should be a starting menu message

it isn't cam stupid camera bots

also if you select christmas gf the game crashes

you can be different characters with the menu used for the secret song

the loading for the secret monster song doesn't work the notes just start to spaz after the first note passes